When the sum of the parts is greater than the whole, success is inevitable. Variety and balance in life are essential to the success of each component. I find energy and creativity to build upon my strengths and grow as a person through laughter, family, friends, and giving back to my community.
Giving Back
Volunteering and giving back to the community has always been an incredibly important part of my life. Often times non-profits and NGOs need non-monetary help - something as simple as raking leaves at a dog-shelter, or cooking food for families with children in cancer treatment. Through these volunteer experiences I have met so many incredibly inspiring and passionate people who have continued to motivate me to do what I can to give back.
Developing Passion
When it came time to go to college I knew I wanted to focus on schools that excelled at multidisciplinary studies. When I found Fairfield I knew I had found a home away from home. I was able to double major in International Business and Marketing through the Dolan School of Business which spoke to both my love of other cultures and my creative side. I was also able to take part in their Honors Program which exposed me to unique co-curricular experiences. As a Magis scholar I was able to participate in an engaging course of study which included robust and intellectually rigorous experiential learning opportunities. Creative and critical thinking, global awareness and empowerment of thought were the hallmarks of this honors community. It’s important to cultivate the next generation of thinkers and leaders, which is why I am actively involved in student mock interviews, resume critiques and coordinating speed learning opportunities that allow students to hear from Mastercard professional across the business.
Drawing Strength From Family
I was incredibly fortunate to have a family that encouraged me to see things from different perspectives, have empathy for others, to never stop learning and always see the joy in life. I have learned lessons from every member of my family that have shaped who I am today. Family is the single most important influence in a child's life and I am very lucky that I learned amazing lessons. My mom, who is a nurse, taught me the importance of caring for others. My Dad, who has a keen business sense, also taught me to find humor in life. My brother, who has a learning disability, taught me about perseverance and determination. He just graduated from UConn and I couldn’t be prouder of him! My Grandmother, who lived with us for 5 years as I was growing up after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, taught me patience and respect. With these core values solidly in place I was able to formulate my own moral compass, find the best in any situation and always strive for excellence.
Finding Joy
While I take life seriously, I also realize that humor is an important component of a well balanced life. Humor allows you to find joy and creativity in life.
Oh yeah - and cameras tend to catch my best funny faces!